Why are people assholes for no apparent reason?

By Domi. E. | January 19, 2025

We know that these broken individuals can easily cause you to feel personally attacked, second-guessing yourself, unfairly powerless, and utterly strained. You know them when you hear them. But what’s their deal? Why would they ruin other people’s say, try to control what you’re supposed to be, and seemingly despise EVERY FIBER of our being?

In connection to the question, here are many proposed reasons that I’d have to share, in which these individuals call into.

  • Stress and frustration
  • Living in Denial
  • Selfish Nature
  • Suppression
  • Lack of Awareness
  • Personal suffering, and Projection
  • Insecurity
  • Sterss and Frustration

    This world is fueled by stress and frustration after all; due school assignments, under-paying labour, negativity. Unfortunately this stress can also lead others to act out, trying to project their rough emotions onto others. This can also build up people to have inner turmoils that they have absolutely no clue with how to deal, and who to deal it with. Their egos could be unbalanced, they could be fearful of the unknown, or could straight up be “on autopilot” doing whatever that tells their negativity-filled brain tells them to do.


    Another highly plausible reason is that these individuals are living in denial, following what the world is trying to make them be, even if they don’t like it. They do not take responsibility for their actions, and overtime this causes them to get used of a more psychopathic persona that they’re modeling themselves to be. They could also be trying to deny the fact that others around them are also important. They may also overlook the value of others, not treating them in a way they actually deserve. Unlike us, they fail to transcend the limitations of this flawed system, and force themselves to follow within the compact belief system society has forced upon them, refusing to evolve, suffering in the end.

    Selfish Nature

    A similar case to this, is those who have a selfish nature. Their motivations are fueled by self-interest, placing themselves above their peers. They can be highly focused on their own goals, comfort, or happiness, without considering how their actions affect others. It’s easy to predict, especially when the world we live, teaches individuals selfish in order to survive, unnecessarily competitive. Society LOVES to divide people into groups, measuring their worth over unnecessary means, a common reaction to this is to give in and fight the people around you to please this system. It’s also a common trope that these people have yet to value others, or true community, which “validates” their reason to not care about others.


    These individuals in society can also claim to thrive on conformity and stability, and if you “act” in a way that isn’t catered towards them, good luck. In other words, they fear change/difference and thus are compelled to suppress those who “act out of their order.” People like us, who aren't caught in this mindset, are able to see through their actions. The world is highly driven by taking advantage of others, and teaches everyone to participate in it after all, answering the reason to why there are people who seek to control us. They do not care about who you are, and only see you for what you are, and they are willing to make sure you see it that way too.

    Emotional Challenges

    Another supporting reason is that some individuals may not have developed strong emotional intelligence/empathy. This makes it hard for them to see “social cues” and understand how others feel in your average situation. A lack of feedback could also be a problem, as if they haven't received needed feedback to correct their behavior, they may remain unaware that they are acting in a way that bothers others. Without help, they may unintentionally act wrongly towards others.

    Emotional challenges can also come in forms that include bipolar disorder, and other neurological disorders that can negatively effect the mind.

    Personal suffering, and Projection

    Another strong factor of destruction considers their personal suffering, as there are times people internally project their suffrage onto others. This might be a way one can take out their feelings of anger, or hurt as a coping mechnineshm currently unaware of how it makes them look from an outsider's perspective. The person might feel the need to do this to protect themselves from feeling vulnerable, which can lead to “antagonistic” or unapproachable behavior without a purposeful attempt to hurt others. Though this can happen to anyone, it’s best if those do not project their suffering onto those who want to help them, possibly such as friends, and maybe family too. In reality, they may be reacting to their own pain or stress. One's actions can be a reflection of internal struggles, not a lack of care or intentional cruelty toward others.


    Furthermore more, insecurity can also be brought into question. Insecurity can make those fear being exposed as “weak” or “inadequate,” this commonly results in a defensive (AND POSSIBLY) hostile persona. People who experience this are also likely to project their pain onto others, have a heavy ego, or they envy clarity and purpose. Although this could be a phase of life they’re going through, trying to help one would most likely require you to know them personally, as they would push away anyone who’d appear to be a strange to them.

    What to do

    There are important things to consider; some close-minded folks aren’t willing to change for the better.

    If you feel a close friend is starting a conscious pull of becoming close-minded, it’s important to remind them of what really matters and how their actions they can take, aren’t healthy. Try leading their mind without engaging in conflict, and if they fail to follow along, it’s their choice not helping themselves. Eventually with long enough emotional development and wait, one might find themselves willing to reform their character into a totally new, and better person.

    These types of people are everywhere, sometimes you won’t even notice it, sometimes they control parts of the world. It’s highly important to understand how powerful “simple emotions” are, and what encourages them. But once that barrier is broken, we can ourselves themselves for the better, securing a wonderful future, a future that’s becoming “harder” to achieve everyday. So remember to not fall into the traps that these people have fallen into, don’t set traps of your own, and continue on and spread comfort!

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